Below is a list of actions and tips that we suggest new members take when they first visit SentLive, to both help them get the most out of it, and also, by clicking on the items in the list, understanding more about what is happening with each. More experienced internet/website users will find most things on SentLive similar to what they have seen and used before, so if that is you, go ahead and ignore our suggestions; there is always more of this guide to refer to if or when you need it. Everyone is off to a good start by virtue of the fact that you are taking the time to read this!
- Register & Login
- Read this Guide, particularly the FAQs
- After logging in for the first time, you will be taken to the Welcome page, which will give you a few tips on using SentLive; you will also find the latest updates from us on this page.
- After this we suggest you go to the Safety page (a.k.a Safe Haven) which contains the big blue button that is used to send your safety alerts – if you are a free member you can hit the button a maximum of ten times a week, while paying members can do so as often as they like; at this point though, if you send any alert, all that will happen is that a post will be made on the Social Activity page, and until you add a friend nothing else will happen, so why not head to the Members page and request a friendship with someone?
- Visit each page, particularly your Profile and the Activity page
- If you have or are using a mobile device, add the SentLive web app to your home screen of your device
- Click on anything and see what happens! You won’t break anything
- If a message pops up on screen, READ IT! Most of the time it will be something that you need to know, or because of something you have clicked on, such as a button that opens a form to be completed. However, on rare instances, it could be an error message from your browser; if you don’t understand what is wrong, take a note or a screenshot of it and get in touch with us using the Contact Us button (top left corner of the screen) – it could be something that we need to fix, or something that we can try to help you fix
- Invite your family, friends, colleagues and anyone else to try us! (read more in this article)
- And please help us grow further by spreading the word on any existing online networks you belong to; there are sharing buttons to most online social and messaging platforms on almost every page (look for the Share SentLive link in the sidebar (desktop) or slide out sidebar (mobile)