2 Steps
- Have a balance of 25 Sents or more
- Join a group
Change all your push and email notification options by clicking below
To register please either click one of the social login icons, or complete and submit the form below.
Clicking the social login icon will open a dialogue from that platform to complete, and is deemed as your consent to provide your email address to us – SentLive only uses the information to create and manage your account in accordance with our Terms and Privacy Policy.
Alternatively create an account by completing the form below – you will receive an email with a link, which you must click to then choose your username and password, and complete registration. If the email is not in your Inbox, please check the Junk/Spam folder before contacting us.
Use the form below to set a single or repeating check on yourself.
Current detected time zone is – if this is wrong, please let us know. Please make sure you select the correct time zone below.
To set a single or repeating check on a friend, please use the Request A Check form below. Please note that if your friend is on the Free plan, it is possible they will not be able to respond if they have run out of Alerts.
Please ensure that you select the correct time zone for the friend you are requesting a check on.
Your current Email Notification preferences are:
You have not set your Email Preferences yet; they currently default to On
If you want to change these
Your current Push Notification preferences are:
You have not set your Push Preferences yet; they currently default to On
If you want to change these
[insert page=’install-app-instructions’ display=’content’]
To copy, on touch screens hold your finger on the image,
otherwise right click with a mouse, then select Copy.
To send an Instant Check to this member, please complete and submit below.
Click the ‘X’ or anywhere outside this box to close it
Safety Alerts are both the action taken when a member taps or holds the Big Blue Button, and also the Safe, Not Safe or No Response message subsequently sent to Friends, or in Groups that have the facility, to the other Group Members.
This is an ‘Are you OK?’ message sent to you when a Friend Requests A Check on you.
Only available with Paid Plans (except Group). Scheduled Checks are ones that you set for yourself; they can be a single check, or multiple checks, set to start in five minutes or at any time in the future, and you can choose either a daily or weekly check to happen at the same time every day or week, until a date that you set.
Only available with Paid Plans (except Group). These are checks that you set for one of your Friends on SentLive, and have the same options as Scheduled Checks. There is also an Instant Check button to send a single check immediately.
These are checks that you send instantly to another member of a group you belong to on SentLive, only available in hidden groups. The response is sent to other members of the group only.
Creating Groups is only available for those on Paid Plans. Anyone who has used social media will be aware of the concept of groups, which are for common interests that might bring people together, in a mini community within a community.
Anyone who has used social media for a little while will be aware of groups, but for those of you who aren’t, groups are for people with a particular common interest, be it an activity, a political perspective, a geographical connection, an artist fan club – basically any interest that might bring people together, in a mini community within a community.
These are the messages that pop up on your mobile device or computer, normally as banners with a sound, that you can control, both whether you receive them and how they appear, in your device/browser settings.
Another option to be notified of various events and activity on SentLive that you can turn on and off in the site or app.
Only available for paid plans, this currently offers text messages for Scheduled Checks and Request A Check notifications (monthly limits apply).
Chat system to exchange messages with your Friends and Group Members in SentLive, either individually or in a group chat; also can send attachments. Settings available to limit who can contact you.
✅ = Available (and except where the notes below state differently, Unlimited)
⛔️ = Not Available
² – Except Group Plan
You can receive unlimited Checks but can only respond within your Alerts limit per week; Friends will need to have a Paid Plan.
Push Notifications are not available on iOS devices running less than version 16.4 – see our guide for more information.
† Monthly plan allows the creation of 1 Group, Yearly allows creating 5 Groups, Group allows 10 groups and Life is unlimited; limits include both parent and child groups
‡ SMS are currently only for notifying Checks, and are limited to 25 per month
Please consider everything very carefully before reporting another member of SentLive, and please use the tools we provide (blocking the member in question from messaging you, cancelling friendships, and leaving groups) to avoid a member that troubles you as the first line of defence; while we do not want anyone to be subjected to criminal or harrassing behaviour, and without question want you to help us get rid of members who do that, we also do not want members to make false or spurious reports, and such reports could lead to some form of penalty as outlined in the terms and conditions you have agreed to.
Now, if you have a genuine problem with another member, please complete the form below in full, with as much detail as possible.
Member Report
The Member you are reporting is:
Please consider everything very carefully before reporting another member of SentLive, and please use the tools we provide (blocking the member in question from messaging you, cancelling friendships, and leaving groups) to avoid a member that troubles you as the first line of defence; while we do not want anyone to be subjected to criminal or harrassing behaviour, and without question want you to help us get rid of members who do that, we also do not want members to make false or spurious reports, and such reports could lead to some form of penalty as outlined in the terms and conditions you have agreed to.
Now, if you have a genuine problem with this member, please complete the form below in full, with as much detail as possible.
Safety Alerts are both the action taken when a member taps or holds the Big Blue Button, and also the Safe, Not Safe or No Response message subsequently sent to Friends, or in Groups that have the facility, to the other Group Members.
This is an ‘Are you OK?’ message sent to you when a Friend Requests A Check on you.
Only available with Paid Plans. Scheduled Checks are ones that you set for yourself; they can be a single check, or multiple checks, set to start in five minutes or at any time in the future, and you can choose either a daily or weekly check to happen at the same time every day or week, until a date that you set.
Only available with Paid Plans. These are checks that you set for one of your Friends on SentLive, and have the same options as Scheduled Checks. There is also an Instant Check button to send a single check immediately.
These are checks that you send instantly to another member of a group you belong to on SentLive, only available in hidden groups. The response is sent to other members of the group only.
Creating Groups is only available for those on Paid Plans. Anyone who has used social media will be aware of the concept of groups, which are for common interests that might bring people together, in a mini community within a community.
Anyone who has used social media for a little while will be aware of groups, but for those of you who aren’t, groups are for people with a particular common interest, be it an activity, a political perspective, a geographical connection, an artist fan club – basically any interest that might bring people together, in a mini community within a community.
These are the messages that pop up on your mobile device or computer, normally as banners with a sound, that you can control, both whether you receive them and how they appear, in your device/browser settings.
Another option to be notified of various events and activity on SentLive that you can turn on and off in the site or app.
Only available for paid plans, this currently offers text messages for Scheduled Checks and Request A Check notifications (monthly limits apply).
Chat system to exchange messages with your Friends and Group Members in SentLive, either individually or in a group chat; also can send attachments. Settings available to limit who can contact you.
Safety Alerts are both the action taken when a member taps or holds the Big Blue Button, and also the Safe, Not Safe or No Response message subsequently sent to Friends, or in Groups that have the facility, to the other Group Members.
This is an ‘Are you OK?’ message sent to you when a Friend Requests A Check on you.
Only available with Paid Plans, except Group. Scheduled Checks are ones that you set for yourself; they can be a single check, or multiple checks, set to start in five minutes or at any time in the future, and you can choose either a daily or weekly check to happen at the same time every day or week, until a date that you set.
Only available with Paid Plans, except Group. These are checks that you set for one of your Friends on SentLive, and have the same options as Scheduled Checks. There is also an Instant Check button to send a single check immediately.
These are checks that you send instantly to another member of a group you belong to on SentLive, only available in hidden groups. The response is sent to other members of the group only.
Creating Groups is only available for those on Paid Plans. Anyone who has used social media will be aware of the concept of groups, which are for common interests that might bring people together, in a mini community within a community.
Anyone who has used social media for a little while will be aware of groups, but for those of you who aren’t, groups are for people with a particular common interest, be it an activity, a political perspective, a geographical connection, an artist fan club – basically any interest that might bring people together, in a mini community within a community.
These are the messages that pop up on your mobile device or computer, normally as banners with a sound, that you can control, both whether you receive them and how they appear, in your device/browser settings.
Another option to be notified of various events and activity on SentLive that you can turn on and off in the site or app.
Only available for paid plans, this currently offers text messages for Scheduled Checks and Request A Check notifications (monthly limits apply).
Chat system to exchange messages with your Friends and Group Members in SentLive, either individually or in a group chat; also can send attachments. Settings available to limit who can contact you.
Safety Alerts are both the action taken when a member taps or holds the Big Blue Button, and also the Safe, Not Safe or No Response message subsequently sent to Friends, or in Groups that have the facility, to the other Group Members.
This is an ‘Are you OK?’ message sent to you when a Friend Requests A Check on you.
Only available with Paid Plans, except Group. Scheduled Checks are ones that you set for yourself; they can be a single check, or multiple checks, set to start in five minutes or at any time in the future, and you can choose either a daily or weekly check to happen at the same time every day or week, until a date that you set.
Only available with Paid Plans, except Group. These are checks that you set for one of your Friends on SentLive, and have the same options as Scheduled Checks. There is also an Instant Check button to send a single check immediately.
These are checks that you send instantly to another member of a group you belong to on SentLive, only available in hidden groups. The response is sent to other members of the group only.
Creating Groups is only available for those on Paid Plans. Anyone who has used social media will be aware of the concept of groups, which are for common interests that might bring people together, in a mini community within a community.
Anyone who has used social media for a little while will be aware of groups, but for those of you who aren’t, groups are for people with a particular common interest, be it an activity, a political perspective, a geographical connection, an artist fan club – basically any interest that might bring people together, in a mini community within a community.
These are the messages that pop up on your mobile device or computer, normally as banners with a sound, that you can control, both whether you receive them and how they appear, in your device/browser settings.
Another option to be notified of various events and activity on SentLive that you can turn on and off in the site or app.
Only available for paid plans, this currently offers text messages for Scheduled Checks and Request A Check notifications (monthly limits apply).
Chat system to exchange messages with your Friends and Group Members in SentLive, either individually or in a group chat; also can send attachments. Settings available to limit who can contact you.
Safety Alerts are both the action taken when a member taps or holds the Big Blue Button, and also the Safe, Not Safe or No Response message subsequently sent to Friends, or in Groups that have the facility, to the other Group Members.
This is an ‘Are you OK?’ message sent to you when a Friend Requests A Check on you.
Only available with Paid Plans, except Group. Scheduled Checks are ones that you set for yourself; they can be a single check, or multiple checks, set to start in five minutes or at any time in the future, and you can choose either a daily or weekly check to happen at the same time every day or week, until a date that you set.
Only available with Paid Plans, except Group. These are checks that you set for one of your Friends on SentLive, and have the same options as Scheduled Checks. There is also an Instant Check button to send a single check immediately.
These are checks that you send instantly to another member of a group you belong to on SentLive, only available in hidden groups. The response is sent to other members of the group only.
Creating Groups is only available for those on Paid Plans. Anyone who has used social media will be aware of the concept of groups, which are for common interests that might bring people together, in a mini community within a community.
Anyone who has used social media for a little while will be aware of groups, but for those of you who aren’t, groups are for people with a particular common interest, be it an activity, a political perspective, a geographical connection, an artist fan club – basically any interest that might bring people together, in a mini community within a community.
These are the messages that pop up on your mobile device or computer, normally as banners with a sound, that you can control, both whether you receive them and how they appear, in your device/browser settings.
Another option to be notified of various events and activity on SentLive that you can turn on and off in the site or app.
Only available for paid plans, this currently offers text messages for Scheduled Checks and Request A Check notifications (monthly limits apply).
Chat system to exchange messages with your Friends and Group Members in SentLive, either individually or in a group chat; also can send attachments. Settings available to limit who can contact you.
To register to be a member of the SentLive Network please complete and submit the form below. Please note that if you are already a member of the SentLive safety service and social media platform, you must use a different email address to join the network.